I'm at something of a loss for how to begin my exam preparation. I always start my outlines late (usually no sooner than the week before exams) and spend the days leading up to finals in a frenzied state. This has actually worked well for me- I get to enjoy most of the quarter and I figure that the week before exams sucks for everyone, so making it suck a little more is worth the tradeoff for not worrying about finals until those 7 days out. However, I have always arrived at that "week before" deadline having attended nearly every class, completed every reading assignment, and briefed every case. My notes are already in near outline form, I just spend a day or two reading them and reorganizing them into overarching class themes.
This quarter is, well, different. I haven't attended Environmental Law and Legal Profession since the third week and haven't read since the second. I've been going to M&A but haven't read for it. My "week before" studying plan doesn't work when I'm staring at a nearly blank class notes document. I know I should be busy doing something, I'm just not sure what to do first. Do I open the casebook? Do I just read outlines? Do I go to the zoo with Landon and JP like I really want to because I'm screwed anyway? I do need to pass, and in the case of M&A I'd like to do better than that.
So far I've printed several outlines and they're sitting next to me in a nice little stack. I should feel panicked, but my first exam isn't until Tuesday, and after spending days in the library frantically working on papers that were due in a number of hours, six days feels like a leisurely amount of time to study for three finals. Although, given that tomorrow night will be spent at the graduating students dinner, and my weekend will be spent driving to and from Louisville for a cousin's wedding, I am more pressed for time than my brain seems willing to admit. But here I sit, staring at my outlines, and googling "nail salons" so I can get a pedicure tomorrow. I am not as stressed as I should be. I have an unsupported, yet unwavering faith that I will not fail my classes and I will walk across the stage on June 13.
I believe this is the very essence of being a 3L.
Fugs & Pieces, February 14, 2025
7 hours ago
I'm sure you'll do great. I remember this kind of eerie zen like calmness before finals. You just do what you can. I'm sure it will work out.
ReplyDeleteYou are a far better student than I. Since I had the baby and became a single mom, I long since stopped doing reading. Now I do show up for class, but I don't do any reading unless I'm on call. So . . . no briefing cases, none of that crap.
ReplyDeleteMy method is totally to pilfer outlines from people who are good students like you through some sort of con art . . . and then cram. I can assure you you don't need to panic - this method works.
Fall semester I had 4 A's and a B+. Once I discovered I could do well on exams without working during the semester? Well . . . let's just say I never looked back.
You CAN do well with this method. Don't panic!
You'll pull through this just as you've managed everything else, LL.
ReplyDeleteI'm always a little taken aback by the reminder that you're just 24. You're always so graceful in your dealings with other folk, and so extremely self-assured.
Thanks for your comments on my blog. I would keep you too long, since I know you are studying. Good luck on your finals. I know you will do great.
ReplyDeleteI know, from reading your posts before past finals, that you'll come through with flying colors.
ReplyDeleteAnd you did a great job on the letter to the editor, by they way.
I say whatever causes you the least amount of stress is good. Canned outlines, perhaps, supplemented by some fill-in reading? I'm the last person to ask, but I'm sure you'll pull it together in time. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. (((HUGS)))
ReplyDeleteMan, I've have nightmares like this, and I've been out of grad school for 18 years. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you'll do fine. If you don't get sick in the car, you can get some reading/reviewing in then. I'll still have my fingers crossed for you. :)
ReplyDeleteThere is something about being Almost Done with grad school (or maybe even college too, but I can't remember) where it is difficult to care about anything, really. How many years have I been in school? Does it REALLY matter?
ReplyDeleteI feel you. Good luck.
Eh, you'll do fine. I stopped briefing during first semester of 2L and never looked back. I just tried to take decent class notes when possible and borrowed old outlines from star law students in the classes above mine. Plus I made sure to get a good study guide such as nutshell. I only got 2 grades below median my entire time at U of C.
ReplyDeleteI usually work well under pressure too. But this semester I was in the same situation as you- not having gone to class or done reading for the majority of my classes. I made sure to start studying a week early- before the end of the semester- phew I think it worked. I don't know how I pulled it off though.
ReplyDeleteTranny Head never fails to amaze and amuse me.