Today is my second-to-last day at the Austin Firm. JP flies in around 5pm tomorrow and we're leaving as early as possible Saturday morning to drive the nearly 1200 miles back to Chicago.
In many ways I'm sad to leave Austin. My time at the Firm as has been wonderful- I've gotten lots of exposure to corporate projects and I'm certain this is the right place to embark on my legal career. I've also fallen back in love with the city itself. It's different looking at it from the grown-up "I'm going to be a lawyer, wife, and mother" perspective than it was as a student. It's a Fantastic college town, but it's also a great place to have a career and raise a family. We can live in one of several beautiful neighborhoods minutes from my office, afford a house right after I graduate, and even have time to take advantage of all this outdoorsy, athletic city has to offer. Even within the Firm, the Austin office is just a little different- more relaxed, more flexible, kinder. Everyone has hobbies (time consuming ones!) and most have young families (and spend time with them!). I have no illusions that it will always be easy, but I think it will be doable. I even have the facts on my side- the attrition rate for the Austin office is significantly lower than that of the other Firm offices and the overall number nationwide.
However, I'm also thrilled to be returning to Chicago. I love the Windy City and Chicago in the summer is something everyone should experience it at some point. It'll be wonderful to be with JP everyday, pet my chubby cat, and see my law school friends. I'm also getting anxious to unpack the apartment and furnish and decorate the baby's room. My due date is exactly 6 weeks from today and we have a LOT to do. Because JP moved while I was in Austin and he's been so busy with work and flying down to see me, he really hasn't had time to do much unpacking. We haven't bought much baby stuff because we didn't want to have to move it, so right now the little guy has nowhere to sleep, get his diaper changed, or put all his varied accessories. I'm glad I've been unable to prepare for this long- it'll keep those final weeks flying by! I start work at the Chicago Firm on Monday, so hopefully that will go as well as my Austin pregnant associate experience. I worked for them last summer, so I'm not too worried about it.
It's hard to believe that a year from now I'll be a law school graduate (madly studying for the Bar) and we'll both be Texans, home-owners, and parents to a 1-year-old!
Fugs & Pieces, February 14, 2025
9 hours ago