My in-laws (plus grandma-in-law) arrive any minute for an eight day stay. I don't have a whole lot to add to that statement. My house is spotless, yet waiting for my mother-in-law to take a sponge to my microwave or other random item she thinks is unclean (it's not) and I'm waiting for her to comment on my weight because she has never failed to do that either. I know they are beyond excited to see Landon (we haven't seen them since Thanksgiving) and JP and I plan to work as much as possible to maximize their time with the little guy and minimize the time we all spend in the same room (that sounds meaner than it's meant to, things just get... tense when JP is around his parents for too long). I'll miss my usual Landon time, but he'll be spoiled and loved and it's only a week. In the mean time I'll rack up some billables, take advantage of a few date nights with JP, and probably bite my tongue enough to make it bleed.
Yesterday was our first day at home without guests in a few weeks so we all soaked up some down time together. Landon was full of dance moves and smiles as we finished decorating the upstairs and installed our last ceiling fan (we only bought one fan, we just moved a few others around to better suit the rooms). I think by now I could hire myself out as a ceiling fan installation expert should I need some extra cash. Last night JP and I watched Milk (excellent movie) and cuddled and didn't open either laptop for the entire evening. It was delightful. This morning we all went to church and then Lowe's and I just felt so happy and content and irritatingly suburbian the whole time. I may occasionally long for the city, but my goodness do I love this life and my little family. It was so nice to have a day to work on to do lists and laugh.
Fugs & Pieces, February 14, 2025
8 hours ago
you mother in law does that too? Wow, are we siblings in law? Also, we just bought a gorgeous new house and my inlaws insulted it. From the pictures.
ReplyDeleteGood luck ..... work hard.
Yeah, my condolences on the in-laws' visit. Mine are coming in this weekend, and I dread it. Spent the entire weekend cleaning our house from top to bottom, yet I feel sure that my MIL will do much the same. She once went and bought cleaning supplies because none of mine were good enough to do the job, apparently. And I am to cleaning supplies like you are to office supplies.
ReplyDeleteUm, unless her comment is "you are perfectly well-proportioned," she'd better shut up! Geez, toned, trim and pretty, what more could she want in a daughter-in-law? As for the cleanliness, maybe you should leave some white gloves on her pillow. ;-)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the in-laws. I live in the same city as mine. Sometimes I think visits would be easier to endure. The other daughter-in-laws come visit as little as possible (like once every 3 years), but somehow I'm the bad one. Argh.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get those date nights! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteGood luck! If you need to get away for bit, just call and come over. I bet hanging out with me while I'm studing barbri will be a great relief ;-)
ReplyDeleteWow - 8 days is a LONG visit!! Thank goodness you have Landon to act as the buffer. Just remember to breathe - deep cleansing breaths - and drink - alot - secretly - in your bedroom. Don't forget the Scope to hide the scent. And yes - this is from experience. And, if you get ahold of a couple of "mama's little helpers" (aka Valium) take 'em - just a half of one will take the edge off. Again - from experience. Good luck!!!
ReplyDeleteMy in-laws are coming in on Friday. I'm so grateful my mother-in-law is as terrible a housekeeper as I am. We just sit around in our own filth, drinking wine, and it's all good. When my mother complains about how dirty my house is, I point to the vacuum and tell her if it bothers her so much, to help herself. :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck! My mother in law is very messy (a hoarder) and overweight so I don't have to endure any of those types of criticisms. Don't get me wrong, she's still awful! Luckily I see her twice a year. ;) My mother is the one that thinks we live in a pigsty and monitors my weight like a hawk. My house is never clean enough and unless I am skinny enough so that I no longer get my period, I'm never thin enough either. Sigh.