I just spent a delightfully suburban day with my little man. We went to Target and the mall to buy his Halloween costume and a few fall clothes. The temperature dropped very suddenly here in Austin Thursday night and I sent him to daycare on Friday in shorts and a t-shirt, not knowing the temperature wasn't going to go above 65. Oops. He now has three pairs of pants and six long-sleeved shirts, so he doesn't need to be "cheely" anymore. After the mall we stopped at the park where we played lots of silly games and he laughed and giggled until he told me "no more funny mama." We picked up a sandwich at subway and shared bites before I put him to sleep at 12:30. It was lovely.
I know I've mentioned this several other times, but I adore age two. He still has his frustrating moments, but as his vocabulary expands, his tantrums decrease. He's started to purposefully make jokes (some of which are actually funny) and he's still so wonderfully sweet. He'll randomly reach for my hand while we're reading books or sitting on the couch and sometimes he'll just crawl in my lap and sigh. Seconds after this little mommy recharge, he's off again, racing around the house, running in circles until he falls down (a new favorite activity), or smothering his pets (quite literally) with love they don't want. The constant movement is amazing and somewhat inspiring. I don't sit down much when we're together.
The three of us spent the afternoon cleaning the house from top to bottom. Landon disappeared for a minute and then came downstairs clutching a kleenex- he'd gone up to grab one out of the only box he can reach without help and then hunched over and "halped" by rubbing it on random spots of the living room wall. He's such a big helper. He found this mini Dyson vacuum at Pottery Barn Kids today and I think he might need one for Christmas. He played with it the whole time we were in the store- pushing it up and back just like he sees his mom and dad do at home. What better training could there be for him as a future husband? After the cleaning frenzy ended, all three of us piled in the car for a quick Bed Bath & Beyond trip to buy a few things for our master bedroom. (For anyone who cares about the decorating, a post is coming on that soon- it's all finally coming together!) We exited with a curtain rod and two bathroom rugs, swinging Landon between the two of us as we walked towards the car, and I thought, it doesn't get more classic suburbs than this. And I'm completely okay with that.
Pierre Cardin Is Always Really Fun
1 hour ago
Sounds like the nice weekend you needed after your crazy week!! I love the "recharge." That's what we called it too. Charlie would come sit in my lap for a few seconds, then get up and run back to playing. Very sweet.
ReplyDeleteDoes the mini Dyson actually work? I've seen some "toy" vacuum cleaners that actually pick stuff up. That's what I'm talking about - put my toddler to work!
ReplyDeleteOMG Anonymous, are you kidding? Such a thing exists? If it is less than a thousand bucks, I'm buying it. :) My kid loves to sweep with a broom, but he doesn't do much besides ruin the broom's bristles.
ReplyDeleteI love hearing your suburban stories. We just moved to the city after living in the suburbs for a while, and we're trying to decide which we prefer. I miss our huge yard and our totally detached house (late night screaming has taken on a new, additional stress - don't wake the neighbors!) But I do NOT miss my hour commute and having to drive everywhere. Everything we want is within a two mile radius, and that RULES.
Ah, decisions, decisions. I like how I pretend that in this recession we actually still have a choice of where we live. :)