So, Day 1 is over. The experience was awful, though the test was okay. Our room was frigid - not chilly, not cold - absolutely shaking, teeth chattering, toes turning puple frigid. Tomorrow I will be wearing my ski outfit with (fake) fur lined parka- which means they'll probably overadjust the temperature to a balmy 85 degrees. My teeth really were chattering uncontrollably for the last hour and it made it VERY hard to remember all the civil procedure terms I crammed into my head around midnight last night. The laptop software was also having trouble and there was only 1 software rep for about 500 people, and the people with non-faulty laptops were apparently unable to read simple directions, so we got out almost 2 hours later than I'd planned. I hadn't eaten breakfast so I was starving and drove at the speed of light to meet my mom for lunch at Olive Garden. I didn't even turn on my A/C for the 45 minute drive in 100 degree weather - I was that frozen. But I think the MPT went fine and I probably did decent enough on the procedure and evidence portion not to hurt myself going into tomorrow and Thursday. Thank goodness for my ability to go without sleep - at least 6 of the 20 answers I wrote down in the civ pro section were nuggets of knowledge I picked up during my civ pro study session late last night. I can partially thank Landon for this ability to function well on less than 6 hours of sleep.
I spent my afternoon thawing out, taking the dogs on another long walk to the lake, and sitting at the kitchen table with my books, telling my mom all about how I REALLY NEEDED TO GO STUDY but not doing it. I just took a con law practice test from the magical released questions that are supposed to be easier and only got 50% right- and that was after I reviewed, so that's unnerving to say the least. You really shouldn't cram for the Bar at the last minute, so everybody reading this, shake your head at me and promise yourself you will do things differently. I know starting early wouldn't have changed much for me and I can trust in my ability to recall large quantities of information memorized at the last minute, but it's a really crappy way to spend 3 days of your life. Plus I now have some actual fear that I will fail this damn thing, which may make you wonder - why is she writing a blog post right now instead of studying? That is an excellent question and the answer to it is probably right next the one explaining why I didn't start studying in June like every other smart person.
In other news, JP called with news of a new Landon trick - throwing both his hands up in the air with an absolutely delighted smile on his face. He thinks this whole vertical motion of the arms is amazing and hilarious and everyone should pause to admire his ability to get those hands way up there above his 90th percentile head. Apparently he'll even do it in the middle of crawling - crawl, crawl, crawl, stop, sit, hands up in the air - big giggles - back to crawling. Oh, how I miss the little monster. Two more days and I can burn the barbri books (or turn them in to get my deposit back, but that doesn't sound nearly as satisfying), relax with my boys, drink a small bottle of tequila, and waterski at the lake (probably best done before the drinking of the tequila). For now, it's back to evidence and con law and hopefully getting more than half of the questions right.
Fugs & Pieces, February 14, 2025
7 hours ago
I guess that time in Chicago may have you better prepared for cold than some at least.
ReplyDeleteAm thinking of you - sending good vibes!
You can burn the notes you took and sell the books - then you get some of both worlds! I would dress in layers - then you can be prepared for all temperatures!
ReplyDeleteGood luck on getting a better temp in the test room today! I haaate trying to write with cold hands. Silly, I know, but it's one of my pet peeves.
ReplyDeleteGah, too cold rooms for tests are the worst! It's just so wrong. I hope today is better. There are a few books I sold back in anger at the end of the semester that would be pretty useful right now. Oops! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteWhy do class rooms and work rooms always have to be so COLD?! It's like an unwritten law! Glad you survived your first day.
ReplyDeleteLandon's new trick sounds cute! The Dr. told me my baby was in the 90th percentile... why does nature create big babies when they still need to come out of small doorways?! UGH!
good luck tomorrow! as for lily and the dogs, i'm sure they'll work things out. i found my cat as a stray at 3 months old (he's my little hyde park street keepsake) and the first time i brought him inside, he saw the size of my dog and FREAKED out and hid under the couch. and now he runs around stealing the dog's bed and otherwise terrorizing my dog and is totally the boss - it never ceases to amaze me how a 9 lb cat can rule over an 80 lb dog but he manages quite well, and i'm sure lily will too. GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!
ReplyDeleteOh, ick, sounds like a nightmare! :( I always prepare with layers but inevitably forget socks. Cold feet are the WORST! Hope the rest of the days were warmer (reading this in order).