Spring Madness continues! [Author's note, I wrote most of this on Sunday between barre and dinner but didn't quite finish, so references to times and dates are fluid.]
I just got back from teaching my barre class, which continues to give me SUCH a high. I had two new/old students walk through the door today, both delighted I was back teaching, and it just warms my whole heart to be reunited with each one. Teaching has given me so much, but my favorite thing is the community. I leave the studio each week smiling so big and sweating so much and it's just such a highlight.
While in New York, I missed Cora's first field day. She's been looking forward to it FOR YEARS and then Covid took away her Kindergarten chance and then work took me away from her 1st Grade round, but James filmed every single event and I watched them on breaks. This one had me nearly cheering out loud- look at her go!
Cora LOVES to run and is fiercely competitive and field day is definitely her new favorite thing. Besides perhaps soccer, which she also just started.
Landon and Claire had each retired from soccer by the time they were her age, but by the third baby, I'd decided soccer for 3-year-olds was not our thing and Cora never seemed interested, so I kept letting registration deadlines pass. Last spring she asked to play and then Covid hit and well, here she is at almost 8, playing in her first soccer game.
And she LOVES IT. Running? Stealing the ball? Kicking things? RUNNING?! What could possibly be better? I missed her first two practices for NY (apparently she asked to go to an extra one) but I was there for her first game and I look forward to many more!
Speaking of NY, my two months of workouts enabled me to fit back into one of my favorite dresses, so that was nice!
I wonder when putting on real clothes and heels and makeup won't make me feel like I need to document the occasion? Because right now it feels these dressy, dried-hair moments deserve a scrapbook page.
When I returned, very late Wednesday night after a very delayed flight, it was to jump back into more work and then Claire's field day!
Her last one, she was SO excited I made it.
She placed first in the Hula Hoop - a 6 year streak!
And first in the wheelbarrow race and the egg toss, and decidedly not first in the shoe kick or 5-yard-dash.
Landon continues to heal from his own athletic endeavors and is walking almost normally! And sweet fluffy Milo continues to be an excellent therapy cat.
Speaking of Milo, Sir would like to know what we're having for dinner. Can he get a menu please?
Sure Milo.
Thurs: Summer Soup (in the crockpot with extra farro and green beans instead of zucchini; try it with the plain yogurt, fresh lemon juice, and parmesan toppings - RIDICULOUS).
Fri: Lasagna. Landon will be at a birthday party so we are eating something with ALL THE CHEESE that is deliciously baked into every bite.
Sat: Carbo loading before the kids' first summer league swim met! Roasted Tomato Puttanesca, leftover frozen chicken meatballs.
Sun: Swim dinner with friends: Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Pesto Tortellini Pasta Salad, Watermelon.
Mon: Grandma Mary's Mexican Rice, toppings, chips.
Tues: Rainbow Chicken Salad
Wed: Black Bean Quesadillas, Mexican rice, avocado slices on the side.
Thurs: Antipasto Tomato Salad (it's a crazy night with everyone doing something at some point, so this way everyone can eat a bowlfull anytime they're here!)
Fri: Last Day of School/Elementary Graduation Party! We're hosting and there will be a nacho bar and cake and margarita machine.
Sat: Gas station snacks? I will be driving back from Houston after attending my sister-in-law's baby (babies!) shower and dropping off the kids for 5 days at Camp Papa Gigi.
Sun: DATE NIGHT. No idea where, but we will flirt and eat and enjoy the hell out of being near one another without children
Mon: Beet and Goat Cheese Salad, shredded rotisserie chicken mixed in.
Tues: Probably out again? We still won't have the kids, so who knows- I could go to the store at the last second and whip up a late dinner or we could grab something out. The culinary world is our oyster.
Wed: Same as Tuesday. Maybe this Mango Salad?
Thurs: The kids return! This will be cooking in the crockpot while we go get them. Crockpot Red Beans and Rice, Cornbread.
Fri: Greek Pasta Salad, Gyro Meat (from TJ's).
Not quite home yet but hopefully close
2 hours ago
Wow-- Cora is looking so grown in that photo. She really resembles Landon there.