Joanne Lorraine, my Grandma Jo
January 14, 1932 - January 13, 2021
My Grandma Jo passed away this past Wednesday evening at 7:17 p.m. She suffered a stroke on New Year's Eve, and while it was a shock to everyone- and frankly still is, of my four grandparents, she was the youngest and mentally and physically quite healthy- after two weeks of ups and downs and set backs and discouragement, it was a relief in the very end. Everyone got to say goodbye- her two children and their spouses, all six grandchildren, and my Grandpa Jim, her husband of 68 years.
They went on their first date when she was 13 and he was 15. They attended the same high school in Joliet, Montana and married in 1953 when she was 20 years old and my grandpa was a young ensign in the Navy.
He retired a Navy Captain and flew fighter jets off aircraft carriers in Vietnam, and together they lived all around the world and, according to pictures, attended many fabulous parties.
But this is about my Grandma Jo and the woman she was and the grandma she was to me.
She was tall and beautiful and fun. She was always dressed up, loved wigs and hair dye, and had costume jewelry to die for.
The house I grew up visiting was in little Blue Water Bay, Florida in Pensacola, near Destin. It was an idyllic spot to visit as a kid- we drove their golf cart everywhere, including to the pool and miniature golf course just down the street. We ate lunch at the golf club, shopped at the BX, and splashed in the surf of the beach across the street. They had a screened in back deck that was the source of MANY a play, performance, and craft project and the classic 1970's sunken living room area (dubbed, "the pit") was the most amazing thing my siblings and I had ever seen.

Her home was chock FULL of stuff. From the closets, to the rafters of the garage, it was a homey eclectic mix that was the total opposite of my highly organized more minimalist parents. Treasures from their stations all of the world, books, crafting projects, magazines, pictures, candy dishes, and more- her home decor was a luxe maximalism that was a wonder as a child. We decorated the table for dinner each night- from table linens to flatware to seating cards, and she and my grandpa had a king size water bed they'd let the grandkids sleep in when we were there.
I remember she always had craft projects ready when we visited. The cigar box I still keep my most precious childhood treasures was decorated there (the cigars no doubt smoked by my Grandpa). She had a keyboard and a tape deck with recorder that my siblings and I used to record HOURS of songs and interviews.
She was an athlete- a high school basketball record holder, 225 bowler, 6 handicap golfer, and made more hole-in-ones than everyone else in my golf-obsessed family combined.
She was an avid reader and books were stacked everywhere in their house. She introduced me to the
Angelique novels I adored as a teen, the Anne Perry
historical detective series, and so many others. She had them all and I devoured them whenever we visited.
She could sew absolutely anything. She made hundreds of items for us growing up - baby clothes, bedding, toys, nap mats, Christmas dresses, teddy bears with the most incredible wardrobe any teddy bear has ever owned, and so much more.
James and I spent spring break at their house in 2002 when he didn't make the national team and we suddenly had a spring break free. They were the most gracious of hosts and we had so much fun going to the beach during the day, eating homemade food at night, and heading back out to the beach clubs after that.
She loved to talk and I used to call her when I drove back and forth between Houston and Austin my last year of college, when James worked for an oil company in Houston and I was finishing my degree. She was a passionate Democrat, loathed Donald Trump and his enablers more than anyone else I know, and though she did not make it to the inauguration, I am so glad she lived to see him voted out of office.
My grandma saved
everything and sent me packets of pictures and old cards and letters through the years.
I tried to save most of them and went through my file with the kids last night.
I am so thankful for all the memories I have with her - we drove to Florida every spring break and Thanksgiving week growing up, and I have vivid memories of waiting at the street sign for my grandparents' hatchback to turn onto our road when they would visit us. After Florida they lived in Houston for a while and Landon spent his first Thanksgiving at their house, just as I did every Thanksgiving of my childhood.
They eventually moved to San Antonio, to the same retirement community as my other set of grandparents, and we saw them often when we lived in Austin. When I got the job at the SEC, one of the biggest strikes against it was moving further away from the four of them.
Still, we made the trek a few times a year, so very grateful for four living grandparents and the fact that my children knew and loved them so well. I can't believe I only have three now. They've been such a constant- my Grandma Jo was the youngest at 88 and rationally I know they aren't immortal, but it was still such a shock that one of them could leave me. I wish I'd called more. I wish I'd written more emails. I hate that Covid stole our last year of visits with them. I am so grateful that despite Covid we were allowed to visit her one final time.
The first thing Cora told me this morning was, "
today is Grandma Jo's birthday mommy! But she is not here for us to sing to her, and that is so sad." And it is sad. But I am so very grateful for the years we got and the memories we made.
Rest in peace, Grandma Jo. We love you and your pictures and treasures and letters live on with us, xoxo,
What a beautiful tribute...I'm so sorry for loss. May she rest in eternal peace.
ReplyDeleteShe sounds wonderful. I’m so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss. May her memory be for a blessing.
ReplyDeleteSending a hug. I'm so sorry for your loss. But what a beautiful life she led!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. I also had all four grandparents well into my thirties. Then in just a few years, they were all gone. I still miss them and often dream of them. Grandparents are simply The. Best. Love to you, and thank you for sharing your beautiful tribute to lovely Grandma Jo.
ReplyDeleteI’m so sorry for your loss. She sounded like an incredible woman who loved her family immensely. Grandparents are the best and it is hard when we lose them. Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers during this time.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful woman and such a rewarding life she had! I am sorry for your loss :(
ReplyDeleteI am currently processing very bad health news for my 91 year old grandfather that means he will be leaving us fairly soon. However, it has been so inspirational to see how he and my grandmother have been handling the news together - they have talked so much about how blessed they feel with the life and family and friends that they've had and while I don't think my grandmother is ready to let him go quite yet, my grandfather appears at peace with the idea. I can't imagine that there would be a better way to die, really? he's 91, he is mentally strong and not in pain, and he gets to say goodbye to everyone (COVID notwithstanding)... however, it is still quite sad to think of life without him in it, as he has been such a foundation for our family and is such a good man.
I'm so sorry for your loss. What a lovely tribute to a lovely lady.
ReplyDeleteMay her memory be for a blessing. Thank you for sharing your memories of her with us! And <3 for the thank you note in which you wrote your last name!
ReplyDeleteWhat a blessing to have had your grandparents for so long and to have so many treasured memories with them. And what a treat that your kiddos got to spend wonderful time with them too. I am so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful woman. I be she would have loved the tribute you wrote to her. Hopefully the memories and keepsakes will be a comfort to you during this time.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. This is a lovely tribute and it's clear the positive impact she has made on so many.
ReplyDeleteShe sounds like she was a great grandma and a remarkable woman. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute you have written of her; she sounds like a wonderful grandmother. I see so much of you in that picture of her from high school.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful tribute to a wonderful woman. Sending positive thoughts your way.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. May her memory be a blessing.
ReplyDeleteRebecca, I’m so very sorry. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve had her to cherish, it’s a loss that breaks your heart. I’ve been thinking of you all week. Sending you so much love & the gentlest of hugs.
ReplyDeleteShe sounds just wonderful. I'm glad you had her for so long, and I am sorry that you are now without her. Sending my condolences to your whole family.
ReplyDeleteI am SO sorry. Your relationship with your grandparents is one that you very clearly treasured. I'm down to two that I'm not super close to but am grateful to have them in my life.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful tribute to an obviously treasured soul. Thank you for sharing it.
ReplyDeleteThoughts are with you in the sad times though. This is not the easiest time to lose a loved one.
I’m so sorry to read this. As Emmy Lou Harris sang, ‘life is long and life is tough, but when you love someone, life isn’t long enough’ You’ve written such abeautiful tribute to her and the photos
ReplyDeleteOf her are really special.. May she rest in peace and may we all live as long and as well as she did x
She sounds like a wonderful woman and grandmother. I’m so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteWe knew Jo and Jim thru our dear Rog at the ARC, and have been so delighted to call them friends through the hours of meals, happy hours and laughs. Mark, Libby and I raised a toast to her last evening and feel this loss in our heavy hearts. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tribute. She was a very special force of nature.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful tribute youve written to a remarkable sounding woman. You and your family are so blessed to have had this relationship with her for so many good years. Sympathies in your loss.
ReplyDeleteThat was the most beautiful and touching tribute. I pray that the love and strength of your family will bring you solace.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my Grandma on January 13, 2018, and so I always think of her especially at this time of year. It is so hard to lose a grandparent, even though we know logically they can't live forever. I loved your tribute - she sounds wonderful. Thinking of you and your family.
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful memories of a wonderful grandmother. I’m so sorry for your loss, and glad that your kids got to know her.
ReplyDeleteI’ve lost both my grandmothers in the past year, and I deeply resent that covid made both of their final months so lonely. I’m glad you got to visit your grandma and say goodbye.