Monday, October 14, 2024

Three Days in October

I am so busy at work and I'm trying to photo book and the high yesterday was 98-freaking-degrees in mid-October and there's no time for anything, but I miss y'all. I've been using Instagram lately to still feel connected to the world and I can't decide if I like it, but doing a little "story" each day of my work outfit has been fun and made me feel good and creating that little post on my elevator ride up to the 38th floor at work is sometimes all I need to feel like my day has started out right.
That and getting all the NY Times Connections on the first try.
On the one hand, I am nowhere near being an influencer, I'm just a mom of 3 trying to go to work feeling good about myself for at least a moment, so I occasionally wonder if this is just pure cringe.
But... it makes me happy? I'm not trying to influence anyone? There is no goal except wearing clothes to work. Anyway, if you want to see the outfits Bonnie puts together for me: here I am.
There is so so much to catch up on - I bought a new car! A hybrid + electric small SUV and I love her with all my heart. I've been driving her for 3 weeks, averaged 46.3 mpg, and just got gas for the first time. She's zippy and skinny and fits in all downtown parking garage spots. Heartfelt sigh... she's so perfect.
Anyway! There really is no time to go back through all the things that need going through, so we're just going to hit the last 3 days. Oh, this is important background: I committed on October 1st to working out every day and started seeing a trainer in my building's gym (and also finding and entering my building's free gym that I've pretended didn't exist for the last 2.75 years).
Back to Friday!
The day started with me driving to work and seeing that the 5th grade boy down the street must have had some friends over and decided to tp our house when Cora had a friend over (it was the kids' fall break). At least the decor fit the Halloween theme!
I drove straight to SMU which was hosting a Corporate Counsel Symposium and my partner and I were the first panel of the day. Who doesn't love a presentation on internal controls at 8 a.m.?
From there, I switched my heels to boots, ditched the blazer, and added a cowboy hat and drove to the AlixPartners Chili Challenge event!
A crew of our first year associates manned our booth and did such a great job! As always, it was great to hold a mug made of ice and connect with contacts and colleagues throughout the Dallas area.
Next up I put back on the blazer, ditched the hat, kept the boots (lower heel), and headed to my office for many calls, video calls, emails, and more calls.
At 6 pm I dragged myself to the building gym because I this was Day 11 and I wasn't going to break my streak yet, no matter how long the day.
After I got all sweaty, I drove home, ate a big salad for dinner, and watched Modern Family with my family. Claire was babysitting so I had to stay up a little later than planned (10:30 instead of 9:30, because I am no old and embrace my oldness and sleep is the freaking best), but I had my cat and my photo books and a new episode of The Great British Baking Show so all was well.
On to Saturday!

Saturday began with me driving Claire to her swim meet warm-up and then taking a morning walk along the lake. (Day 12!)
I quickly changed into an appropriate school shirt of support and headed back to Claire's meet JUST in time for the first event, the 200 medley relay, which she was swimming.
Claire did great. I'm so glad she's swimming and watching her cheer for and be cheered on by her teammates makes my whole heart happy.
(The 99 degree temperatures did not.)

As soon as the meet ended we went straight home, changed, and headed out to our first ever Texas State Fair experience!
It was the Red River Rivalry (i.e., the UT v. OU game) and my firm was hosting a big client tailgate event.
We massively lucked out with a free street parking spot, bought our tickets through my phone so we could skip the line, and dove in.
And it was insane. I don't understand the State Fair.
Maybe you have to grow up going? It mostly appears to be cars (auto shows), carnival games, a very small handful of rides, some beer gardens, and ONE BILLION people. Everything costs a million dollars and involves a very long line. Why?
I was delighted to have the V&E event because that meant we had an indoor party (apparently we rented the entire Music Hall) with free food and drink. So that was great. When we left, we told the kids we could walk around and do some rides if they wanted. All three of them looked aroud, shook their heads, and we walked back to my beautiful little car.
Next up James went to swim, I went to work in my office, and then he and I headed out for a date night to celebrate his upcoming birthday!

I wore an outfit Bonnie put together for me that involved a sparkly pink denim jacket I took from my mom's donation bin the last time I was in Houston. I am by no means too proud to take style cues from my mother's cast offs.
We had a delicious dinner, our first one out in many weeks, and just enjoyed chatting and being together.
Happy almost 43rd to this handsome guy. Man I love him so much.

On Sunday I went on another lake walk AND did a workout video with weights. Ugh, it's annoying how good working out feels. I worked for several hours from my home office and then got dressed to go to a baby shower for our sweet former nanny Tara!!
Her whole family was delighted to see Cora. The first diaper Tara ever changed!
We were so, so lucky to have her as part of our family for four years, particularly in a phase of our lives when childcare was so absolutely crucially important, and I love that our kids still get to see her and cheer her on as she builds her own life.
We can't wait to meet sweet baby Henry and for my kids to get to babysit hers!!

The rest of Sunday was more working from home, me running around town trying to find outfits for our family pictures which are next weekend, and then eating a delicious vegetarian Pumpkin Walnut Chili before watching a movie together and going to bed. Bed is my favorite.

This morning I wore what I like to call my "pumpkin spice" fall outfit (from Bonnie, of course) and dove into a crazy day that I'm just barely managing to end with a blog post!
I got home at 6:30, did a workout video in my room (Day 14!), and ate dinner with my family on the patio, laughing and joking with these four people who are my whole world.

Life is busy. Every day flies by so, so fast. On the whole, it's pretty dang wonderful and I feel like I'm in one of those wind machines trying to grab hold of all the memories as they fly by me.

I hope to get back to this space soon to capture it just a little more.


  1. Love the last photo in the 4 clothes shots above. Somehow the black on top and bottom lengthening you and the pink jacket is stunning. Green dress is awesome too. Maybe with your height and proportions, the single color on top and bottom is a winner esp for special occasions when you really want to look like a goddess <3

  2. Your shoe game is FIRE and I love your style (and Bonnie's). Your description of the state fair cracked me up. I did grow up going to a state fair (not in TX though) and I think you're right that it would be difficult to go without childhood context.
