My offensive spam comments remain out of control and it's led me to contemplate closing comments off completely. Which then led me to wonder if I'd blog at all without the feedback? I'm not a particularly active blogger these days, but I know some of you have been reading since my large teenage child was a tiny law school baby and I enjoy knowing you're out there and seeing your names popup in the comments always makes me smile. And the outlet remains important, though somewhat less so as I have more peers and local friends. This blog was one of my only connections to others for a long while and I will forever be thankful for the connection, support, and extrovert battery charge you provided me. I still love to write, but I write considerably less about the kids as they get older and will continue to funnel them down with age.
But more than the spam, which are gross but ignore-able, what has led me to thinking about just taking a break from blogging is that I just feel fragile right now. On my best day, I am treading water and that water is at my chin. The merging of all my roles into one house 24/7 has taken me from feeling pretty good about the wearing of my many hats to feeling barely adequate at any of them. And I think it's from that place, and that current lack of confidence, that I've found this push of fear every time a comment pops up in my email inbox. I find that rather than smile, I brace myself. It's like I know I literally cannot handle hearing that I am failing at anything else when I already feel like I'm failing at so much. And it has no basis in fact- y'all are great, and critiques and criticisms are voiced completely appropriately, but the feelings are there. Maybe it's all the spam putting comments in my mind but I have literally spent nights dreaming about people yelling at me in comments and been devastated until I woke up and realized they aren't even there. The irrationality of it all is what makes me realize that these feelings are coming from somewhere else, and maybe that somewhere else needs to be protected right now.
On a practical note, now that I wake up and rollover to stare at my dual work computer screens and am never more than a couple hundred feet from them, I find I need the break at night all the more. As I read somewhere, we're not working from home, we're living at work, and even though work has been very accommodating, and I'm so lucky to have been able to just stay home during this time when so many of my local friends have been forced back to their offices, it's still always THERE. The unwinding at night, my hour or two away from devices to just be with James and protect that time that is ours, has grown more important now that we're always here rather than less.
But I don't know. My archives are precious to me. I use them all the time to find pictures or stories or recipes- like my own personal google. Maybe I will go to a password-protected version? I know readership would be much smaller, but maybe it will feel less vulnerable? Or will that lack of engagement, knowing few are reading, make opening my laptop to draft something even less likely than it is now? I've seen almost every blogger I started reading "retire" and have often wondered how long I'd keep going. After 13.5 years, more than 2,000 posts, and millions of words, it's hard to imagine being done. So I'm not, but maybe I'm pausing? I'm certainly thinking about it, and there's an element of relief to those feelings that feels telling.
Also telling, this is not at ALL what I intended to write about (thus, the title). Rather, I was planning to muse and update on some random things going on around here (to the extent anything is going on around here).
Like we sold the big heavy country style chairs that came with our table (generously donated to us from my parents' second lake house 8 years ago) and replaced them with these more mid-century modern-inspired teal chairs and I LOVE THEM. They completely change the look of the eating area and let the beautiful solid wood table really shine. This is also where my pets stare at me in the morning when I go to make my tea without feeding them first.
Speaking of pets, we took Maggie to the lake house last weekend and left Moose under the care of one of Landon's friends who adores our baby cat. His mom texted me that within an hour of leaving, A had taken off on his scooter to come check on Moose. "He needs me Mom."
Anyway, since we've been back, these two little fur siblings have been closer than ever before. Moose snuggles with Maggie wherever she may be and Maggie remains happily bemused by Moose's attempts to play with her. The other day I was standing in the kitchen and out of nowhere Moose shot across the living room, jumped upon Maggie's sleeping head like a springboard, and launched himself up on the couch. Maggie's head popped up mid-snore, looked all around, and then went right back to sleep. They crack me up.
In other updates, I assembled my new desk while on a conference call last week and I love it. As much as I can love having a desk in my bedroom anyway. It fits neatly in the corner, so our french doors are no longer blocked by my folding table, and my new chair is a huge step up from the dining chair I was using.
The accent wall continues to make my heart flutter. We have a new navy quilt and it's really made the old rug and bench shine. The art print I ordered on Etsy arrived from Spain yesterday and the frame I ordered should be here Monday. Someday James will paint the walls and ceiling and in the meantime I will continue to appreciate my new work/sleep space.
In another decorating nod, I finally gave in to the Facebook ads and ordered Mixtiles. We painted the tiny hallway that connects the kids' rooms to the TV room and replaced the light fixture back in April and now it feels like a real part of the house. And that part was barren and sad. Since it's a space no one but us ever uses, I decided to go with family pictures and the Mixtiles were a cheap and easy addition.
I picked out and cropped up some favorite portraits over the years and really love the results, particularly for a total of just over $100. They aren't the highest quality prints- definitely look elsewhere for that, but they have a sticky strip on the back that is easy to "hang," fully repositionable, and they really light up the hallway. The kids LOVE THEM.
Finally, I went to the dermatologist on Thursday and for the first time in five years, I didn't have a single thing to biopsy and don't have to go back for a FULL YEAR! As I've detailed here many times, I've put a lot of time, money, and effort into taking care of my skin since my first skin cancer at age 32. High-quality skin care I now use religiously, daily vitamins (Heliocare!), an obsession with shade and umbrellas, UPF protective clothing when shade can't be found (rash guards, tops, swim leggings, and even hats, though I still hate how they look on me; favorite brands are Free Fly, Cabana Life, and Coolibar; looking at a top at BloqUV- has anyone ordered from there?), IPL/BBL photofacials (that's mostly vanity, but it has mattered to me to pull out some of the damage to my skin and "restart" and feel proud of it again), and sunscreen EVERY DAY (Elta MD UV Clear is my favorite by far; my makeup also has SPF, but I so rarely wear makeup these days, I'm back to just putting on sunscreen each morning).
My two biggest PSAs are to get yearly checks at your dermatologist and put sunscreen on your chest and neck each time you apply it to your face. Growing up, I was actually pretty good about sunscreening my face, but my skin cancers have been on my chest and the side of my neck, which are just as vulnerable to regular sun exposure.
And finally, finally, food:
Sat: BBQ Salmon Bowls with Mango Salsa, with black beans and brown rice.
Sun: Aunty Lee's Lasagna, salad, garlic bread.
Mon: Summer Chipotle Chicken Cobb Salad with Cilantro Vinaigrette.
Tues: Roasted Cauliflower Taco Bowls, with taco beef and flour tortillas on the side for those who need more meat and carbs on their plate.
Wed: Pasta with leftover lasagna sauce.
Thurs: Southwest Black Bean Casserole
Fri: OUT.
We Saw the Chanel Front Row, Now Let’s Peek at the Runway
38 minutes ago
Just popping in to say that your posts are a huge highlight for me and you'll be very much missed if you do decide to take a break! Your recipe posts are a source of inspiration always and I love hearing about what's in store for my future as my kids are only 4.5 and 2. Most of all, please do what you need to do to be a good mental space. These times are stressful and hard for everyone, the last thing you need is an outlet that actually adds more stress. Take care!
ReplyDeleteI don’t comment much, but I sure hope you don’t stop writing. I’ve been reading your blog for years and feel like we’d be friends if I was younger and lived near you. I completely understand feeling like not adding another to do to your life. I also understand not wanting to face comments that may be bad. You do what’s best for you, but know you have a faithful following. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog and love hearing about your life, whatever you decide to share. It's such a refreshing and joyful window into family/work/health life with kids several years older than my own! I also very much value your willingness to share when things aren't so shiny, as it comforts me in my own struggles. So I would love to continue to read your writing, however you decide to move forward, but I also think your mental health is the most important thing. If that means you need to hit pause or stop, then I fully support those decisions regardless of how I might miss following the chronicles! Hugs to you.
ReplyDeleteI understand your struggles and I can see how disappointing those ugly out of nowhere comments can be.
ReplyDeleteWell, on a more selfish note, yours blog is the only from which I read every.single. post. as soon I get the notification for last like 4 years and I will miss you so much, but I totally understand.
Hugs from Croatia!
I always love your posts so much. Yours is one of the few blogs I follow and I check compulsively these days for your posts. Maybe for a sense of normalacy. I think most of us would still be here if it were password protected, minus the spam comments. Anyway I love reading your words but I always choose what is best for my mental health and I know that you do the same. With that said, I would miss your voice but right now is a tough time for all of us and doing what you need to do for you is so important. Also really right now I would miss photos of Moose and Maggie and hearing their antics!
ReplyDeleteI am in the same boat as others! I love to read your posts and check in on your adorable family. I’m not sure how I found your blog, but it was back when you lived in Austin (where I still am).
ReplyDeleteI also think it’s important that you do what’s best and if you aren’t compelled/inspired/interested in writing right now then that is so understandable. No decision has to be permanent and we all need to do whatever we can to take care of ourselves.
Experiment with what feels best and see where you land.
PLEASE don't go away. I love it. I also don't comment a whole lot but I love your blog.
ReplyDeleteI am so, so sorry you are getting spammed --- that happened to me a couple years ago, and it is miserable. I love reading updates about your family and although we've never talked/met, I would really miss you --- I have been around since the beginning, and we graduated law school together --- just at different schools and in different states --- my two are about the same ages as your youngest two, and I will miss watching them grow from a far, but your mental health is the #1 priority, and if that means you stop, then stop --- I know my blog is now a once every couple months thing now...
ReplyDeleteI would miss following your adventures and hearing your musings if you stopped blogging, but I totally get it. And I just want to validate that not everyone thrives working from home. I hated it for all the reasons you describe, and I felt abnormal because it seemed like everyone else loved it. It made a big impact to me to put my laptop away each night. What if you had a cover (I’m picturing a sarong-type thing) that you put over your monitors at the end of the day?
ReplyDeleteI have gotten many comments like that over the years (though fortunately none recently, I suspect my readership being extremely extremely tiny has something to do with that). I am sorry this is happening to you. When it would happen to me I would vibrate for a day, have trouble sleeping, etc. Husband told me I should just let it go, but it's really hard to do, and somewhat hollow advice if you haven't personally been on the receiving end of them. Anyway, I hope they don't deter you from writing, but fully understand if they do. I like reading about your life. Plus, if I hadn't seen your family trip to San Diego, I might never have planned one for MY family (not that we ever got to go #effcovid). If I hadn't seen your recipe for orzo chicken soup, I'd have had to think to make that myself. I'm bummed this is happening to you.
ReplyDeleteChiming in to say that I hope you will do what is best for you-but I hope you stay. I love the way you look at life-and your ironic sense of humor. I am a fellow attorney who is probably your Mom's age with grown kids-but reading about your 3 brings it all back. Glad that you have found your mama friends-I remember feeling isolated when my kids were young. It's all an evolution-enjoy the ride-the law will always be there.....
ReplyDeleteSAD :) I look forward to your posts and check daily for them. I hate that you dread opening comments but I totally understand where you are coming from. This is an insane time and I definitely feel up to my neck as well and I think reading your posts gives me something to look forward to. I think it is telling though - if it's too much, it's too much. Your mental health is most important without a doubt. Know that I am rooting you on from afar and sincerely hope to hear from you again!
ReplyDeleteOnly my second comment, but you summarized a little bit of what I am feeling about work too. I hate to complain because my office hasn't even come close to forcing us back in the way others have, but 100% working from home is a new stress I have no blue print for. Also, your accent wall and office set up are sooooo cute! I'm always amazed at your ability to put stuff together I do not have the eye for that. Hoping you can find some peaceful moments to yourself soon!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely do what is best for you with the blog....but I will miss you if you go. I find you so inspirational and aspirational at the same time, I look forward to every post, I’ve been reading for years :)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog, there is just something about your writing style and how easy you and your family are to relate to. I've been reading your blog since Landon was a Chicago baby and I'm pretty sure I've never missed a single one - but I'm just a barely ever commenter. I literally only follow two blogs - you and Amalah. Both of you have been around forever, so yeah you would be missed! All that to say - you need to do what feels right for you. What makes you happy and and keeps you healthy and sane. Lead with your heart. You heart will find your way back to blogging if this is an outlet it needs for your health and happiness.
ReplyDeletePlease keep blogging! I'm a lawyer and former swimmer now because of covid working full-time from home with my husband and two kids and I can totally relate to your blog these days and hope you keep it up! :)
ReplyDeleteNot sure if I've ever commented, but wanted to say I really enjoy your blog! It's one of the only "mom" blogs I still read. I'm just across the D-F-Dub, north east of Dallas. I appreciate your writing style and love seeing your menus and vacation posts. I hope you don't stop writing, but I agree that you have to do what is best for YOU.
ReplyDeleteI want to join the chorus of your fans! I've been reading your chronicles since before Clare was born and I never fail to be cheered up,or at times given pause for thought, by your frank, funny and insightful writing. I am at times in awe of how self-aware you are, and if you have any doubts about yourself, they should be banished by the three wonderful human beings you are raising, the marriage you work at that is clearly the foundation of your being and the career where you are serving the public, which is not easy these days. I am your mother's age (61 next week) and I want you to know that you are doing GREAT! I was wish I had been half as together when I was your age. The world is full of hate these days but I hope you won't stop writing because of it. And let's hope that come November, things will be better. A big hug to you from Ireland, Deirdre
ReplyDeleteI found your blog during law school (graduated in 2013) and have loved reading ever since. Yours is the only blog I still check for and read and enjoy every post. Your career path has been so different from mine and my kids are younger but so many of your experiences have felt familiar and been helpful to me. Whether you continue or not, thanks for all you’ve shared up until now. The way you describe balancing (or not) your different roles right now is so spot on and it makes a difference to know I am not alone in that. If you stop blogging you will be missed, but of course do what is best for you. (Sorry about my name- I only used this account to post to my son’s preschool blog but I otherwise don’t go by Harry’s mom by default).
ReplyDeleteI also hope that you continue to write, either open or password protected (with the caveat of course that you need to do what is best for you). I love your writing style and voice. We graduated law school the same year, both worked in "big law," and then left. I have enjoyed following your journey. I have gotten ideas for travel and food from your blog. I still have younger kids, but I enjoy reading about kids at a different stage. As mine get older, I need advice and insight!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to pop in and say thank you for everything you have posted, regardless of what you decide going forward. I found your blog in the sleepless hours of 1L, when I had zero babies, zero houses and one fiancé. That feels like more than a lifetime ago as I write it. I have spent a lot of time reading your posts on the toddler years now that my kids are one and three, and it's hard to believe I've been practicing for seven years. I didn't really know and working moms growing up, certainly not any lawyers, and it was so very valuable to read an honest and humorous take about what it's really like. So thank you for being brave and sharing. I wish you all of the best in your next chapter, whether it's chronicle here or not at all.
ReplyDeleteI am an infrequent commenter but I wanted to say I love your blog. Totally understand your musing about closing down, I would miss reading and I wanted you to know your positivity and enthusiasm has made me a calmer parent and encouraged me to seek out joy in my own life. I love how much your energy and your love for your family shines through your writing. I hope things go back to more ‘normal’ soon for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading for many years now. Love your blog and I thank you for letting us share your life with you.
ReplyDeleteI too am feeling the adverse affects of working from home during a pandemic. I am so grateful for the opportunity. However, we are all expect(wfh and not) to perform as normal or better during pandemic! I have found it hard to do the simplest of things lately. I think COVID weighs heavily on our minds all the time.
Anyway, if you need to take a break, take it! We really need to be easy on ourselves during these times, because no one else is letting us.
I’ve been following since Landon was a tiny baby in Chicago and I have so enjoyed following your family through the years.
ReplyDeleteI also want to say how much I love your blog. I love your honesty, energy and adorable family. I started reading after you were on Best of Both Worlds. My mood varies wildly depending on the day. I am an attorney who already worked from home (my law firm is in a different state) and this is still incredibly difficult. Do what is best for you!
ReplyDeleteAlso a long time reader here, though I rearly comment, hope you stick around - we must be allowed to watch the pets at least!
ReplyDeleteI don't comment often but I LOVE reading your blog! For a lot of reasons. So, I hope you continue.
ReplyDeleteI feel like we are all treading water these days and wrestling with super big decisions that come with conflicting information and outcomes. Hang in there!
I love keeping up with your blog and your skin looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteCount me in as one of your many many loyal readers. I think I found you years ago by googling “how to study for the bar exam,” which in retrospect is hilarious because a) mostly I remember reading about how you took breaks from studying and b) I took a VERY long break from studying to read your blog after finding it!
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness though - I hate the idea of you being worried about spam commenters. There are a lot of heavy things right now in the world, and you handle it with so much grace and honesty. Whatever you decide to do, please know how grateful so many of us are for your writing and how much love and wisdom you have brought this community. All the best.
Love your blog and would be sad if your decision is to stop. Totally understand- it is rough out there! I appreciate all of your honesty about life and being a mom. So few people are and your stories make me feel less crazy. :) Thank you for all of the time you spend on this blog!
ReplyDeleteChiming in to say that I love your blog and writing, even if I rarely comment. I've definitely found inspiration from your meal planning and travel with your family. And I would be remiss if I didn't mention the impact you've had on my skincare! I am a fair redhead, and I just went to the dermatologist last week for a check thanks to reading about your journey. I totally understand the need to take a blogging break, but I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you and your blog. Whatever you decide to do, take care.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone else who has said to do what is best for you and we will miss you while you do! Take care of yourself!
ReplyDeleteLong time follower here, commented maybe twice before, occasional blogger myself ( I truly understand the need to set blogging aside for a while. At some point, chronicling family life invades the kids’ privacy. At least that was my experience when blogging about raising my orphaned grandkids. And as you allude to, as the kids grow, your social circle expands and the need to express yourself online diminishes. But, the need for written expression hovers in the far reaches of consciousness. When it does I blog in spurts until the beast goes into hibernation again. I respect whatever you choose to do, although I’d like to know if you make your anniversary trip to the South Pacific.
ReplyDeleteI just want to say what great source of inspiration your blog has been for many years. I am Canadian and really enjoy reading your perspective. You should do what is best for you and your family but selfishly I would really miss reading all your great stories. I check every day for new posts:-) Take good care!
ReplyDeleteI went private a number of years ago on my personal blog after some icky situations - it was kind of an ordeal, but I love my blog being password protected. Commenting is a huge pain though so I never have any feedback and it is an adjustment to go that - I do have quite a few friends who will just text me their thoughts but usually nothing. That's okay though - I value looking back on my posts enough to keep me going. I will join the chorus of those encouraging you to do what you feel is best but know that I love your blog so much, and you've provided so many great recipe ideas, book suggestions, and just useful frameworks for making decisions. I also work with pre-law students at a university, so your previous posts about deciding to go to law school have been hugely helpful to me professionally. Thanks for writing!
ReplyDeleteI'm a "since Landon was a baby" reader. If you stop blogging I'm going to have to start looking for recipes on my own :) The Chocolate Chip cookie recipe from earlier this year (or was it last year - Corona time!) has made me a lot of friends at work!
ReplyDeleteHave been following and reading since you were a guest on Best of Both Worlds. I completely understand the spam thing and the mental health thing. Do what you need for yourself :) I love your new bedroom set-up - we have also finally set up proper workspaces and it feels good and sad, all at the same time.
ReplyDeleteA long time reader (Landon baby Chicago days!) and it still blows my mind how long I've been following you - just goes to show even if blogging has gone out of 'style' if you write and write well, they shall come/read! I'm selfishly hoping you can fix the spam comment issue and choose to continue writing but, of course, understand that you need to do what's best for YOU. I hope you figure it out and continue to write. Lots of love from Lahore all the way in Pakistan!
ReplyDeleteI've never commented before, but love your blog. I'm an attorney with a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old and enjoy your point-of-view, your vulnerability, and can relate with you on many levels. Having never had a blog and being a fairly closed off introvert, I can't relate to being on the receiving end of hurtful and annoying comments, so I will understand if you take a step back and do what you need to do for your mental health. But know that there are plenty of "lurkers" that are cheering you on and appreciate your content!
ReplyDeleteI never comment but I have been reading since I was 21 at law school (I'm now nearly 31 and oddly I'm not a visual arts teacher with a toddler) and I love your blog. When my own life is so stressful I love to read the little snippets of yours and I am sorry this space is not feeling as much of a reprieve for you because it is a pleasant escape for me.
ReplyDeleteWe love you, girl! Take care of you! I made my blog private years ago and it still serves the purpose for me, of an outlet for my thoughts/feelings and record of our days. I only have a few readers who asked me for an invite/login. I kind-of miss the interaction of more people, but it also frees me up to write whatever I want. It's a good option.
ReplyDeleteAnother faithful reader but never-before commenter here! I think I found your blog years ago after googling “Should I have a third child?” I love your writing style, honesty, humor and adorable bulldog pictures, and I would definitely miss your space on the internet if you decide to stop writing. That said, as someone who struggles with anxiety and depression myself, I know that you must do what you need to in order to take care of yourself and your family. But, selfishly, I hope you continue to blog! Peace and best wishes to you!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to pop in and say I'm one of those long time readers who remembers when your teenager was a law school baby. I rarely comment but always enjoy your writing and appreciate your honesty. I'll also affirm that working from home is so hard. I never in a million years thought I'd say "I miss my commute;" but man, do I miss my commute! I get to start going back to the office 1 day/week soon and although it will be a pain (mask all day, office door closed, not chatting with co-workers in the hallway....) I'm excited to just be out of the house sometimes. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteIt has to be said - your post about 3rd babies convinced us to have a 3rd baby and I can't imagine it any other way! I've loved hearing about your life and it has given me so much valuable perspective on my own. As someone who doesn't have many local friends, it's always nice to feel that little bit of social connection with a blog writer like you. Thank you for all the great posts!
ReplyDeleteI've also been reading since Landon was a baby and I would definitely miss your writing if you stopped! And the book recommendations -- you've introduced me to so many books I really loved! :) But, oh, I can relate to feeling fragile right now. You have to do what works for you.
ReplyDeleteAlso, your accent wall is gorgeous!
While I totally understand the need to stop blogging, I shut my whole blog down at some point, please keep posting your recipe finds on make the best recipes and I pin and make half of them. The salmon bowls are definitely being made next week! (We could start a FB group just for recipes.....although that is kind of the last thing I need in my life).
ReplyDeleteAlso a long time reader, but never a poster. I found your blog from another law school blog I was following at the time. It's the only one that's still around from when I started school in 2006. I started reading when you had moved back to Texas. And like a true creep, I decided to read from the beginning. You have inspired me through law school, the recession, and into parenthood.
ReplyDeleteI am a non-practicing attorney, working in medical devices, with a toddler. Over the last 10+ years I have loved reading your blog. I sometimes tell my husband about what your dog or you kids did or the last vacation you took and how, if you can do it with 3, we can do surely it with one or two. At some point, I realized I started talking about you the same way I talk about any of my real life friends. As negative as the internet can be, it can also be really positive place. I wanted to break my silence and tell you, what you do has mattered to me, and clearly to many others too.
We regularly eat BBQ quinoa salads and lasagna soup. I don't even know what we would be eating if it weren't for you and your blog.
I am an incredibly looooong time lurker, first time commenter. Eesh! But I just want to let you know how impactful your thoughtfulness and vulnerability has been. Whatever decision you make for yourself will be the right thing, but I've so enjoyed your blogs!
ReplyDelete1. You should definitely do whatever feels right to you for your blog. 2. I started reading after you were on Best of Both Worlds, so I’ve only been hanging out for a couple years, and this is only like my second time commenting ever, so take this for what it’s worth. 3. Thank you for sharing - both the inspiring vacations and fun parts of everyday life and the challenging and vulnerable parts of life. As my 8 year daughter heads towards puberty faster than I can wrap my head around, it was your post about parenting bigger kids (after you hadn’t realized you needed to lock down the edge browser) that I went to for inspiration and resources. 4. If you make the right decision for you and It turns out that decision is to pause or retire this blog, I’ll miss your voice. 5. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteAnother long time reader who occasionally comments, I will miss you but understand that you need to do what is right for you. I am also a full-time attorney and mom of 3 working and schooling from home and it has been so helpful to hear your perspective on all of this. I also LOVE your vacation posts and meal planning ideas. I wish you peace, whether that means to continue here or not.
ReplyDeletesame boat! A long-time reader who supports and loves your family from afar (is that weird? I don't mean for it to be weird :) ). I can completely understand your reasoning for taking a break and wish you all well. This time is just, ugh, A TIME.
ReplyDeleteLong time reader who goes back to the Baby Landon in Chicago days. Thank you for letting us read about your family as it grew in so many ways. You write beautifully. I hope that we all find peace soon, but in the meantime, I get that feeling of cutting back to essential resources. I wish you all nothing but the best of everything if this is it. Thanks for all the joys and sorrows and beautiful words and delicious recipes!
ReplyDeleteI am a long time reader and first time commenter who has been following your blog for more than a decade. I really love your writing voice and the everyday life snippets make me feel like I am not alone in juggling the various balls of adulthood and family life. I will definitely miss your voice but totally understand the drowning sensation of covid life (also the book recommendations; we share similar tastes in books including the staying up till 2AM to finish the good ones!). I wish you the best and hope that you continue!
ReplyDeleteI've been reading for years (since the MILP days) and it's been a delight to follow your family. Even after I decided against law school, I've found your thoughts on career and family so useful.
ReplyDeleteThat said, if you do decide to stop blogging, I understand! The time and energy that makes your worrying so good has got to be a lot. I can barely manage toato text messages these days. Regardless of what you choose, wishing you and your family all the best.
I'm sorry to hear that you have received bad spam comments that give you nightmares. I'm mostly a lurker who reads your blog but rarely comments, but had to comment and say that I love reading about your family. It makes me sad that you would receive comments that make you feel worse about yourself. You are putting yourself out there and making yourself vulnerable. That shouldn't result in criticism from your readers! I've been on the receiving end of comments that made me a little insecure. Like when posted this spring about our decision to send our 2yo back to daycare. My husband and I both have demanding jobs in the asset management industry and my husband was going into work about 2-3 days/week. We kept our son home for 7 weeks but then I just couldn't do it anymore. When I wrote about struggling to make the decision, I got several comments about how the reader could not believe I was even considering sending my son to daycare. But I had talked it over with my OB (I'm currently pregnant and was in the midst of the exhaustion of the 1st tri back then) and she fully endorsed sending him back since my mental health was struggling. So even though my husband and I had many conversations about the decision and I consulted a physician I trust, I still let those comments make me feel like a monster. Well, it's been 3 months since he went back and he is happy, healthy, and thriving and I am a much happier mom with him at daycare (which probably makes me sound like a monster to some people but demanding work and a 2yo are incompatible).
ReplyDeleteAnyways, all that is to say that I hope you keep writing in this space but I totally understand if you need to take a break!
I'm a regular reader, but have never commented before. I'm a lawyer with three young kids, and I love getting a glimpse of what life with bigger kids is like! Thank you for sharing your meal plans, adventures and thoughts with us. I'll miss reading here if you decide not to continue, but understand needing to cut back. Take care of yourself.
ReplyDeleteSame as many- reader since the beginning, maybe have commented once or twice, honestly don't remember. Your blog is the only one I have consistently read. Your life is very different from mine but I love reading about your adventures and the honesty you bring to your writing. I'd personally rather see you close comments (temporarily?) than stop altogether but to echo the others- your well-being comes first.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all that you've chosen to share. I've learned so much from your vulnerable moments and your brave face. I've been reading for years but rarely comment. Of course I want only the best for you, but I also want you to know that your voice will be missed!
ReplyDeleteI've only commented a couple of times, but I wanted to add to the chorus of other commenters and let you know how much I *love* your blog! I also sometimes tell my husband about what you've been up to (or make him look at the pictures of your cat and dog that have MADE MY DAY at times), and will miss your voice very much if you decide to hang it up. That said, I hope you do everything it is that will help you feel better. Thank you for all your wonderful posts!!
ReplyDeleteYour honesty is so refreshing. I have been following your blog for years (found you via theshubox), and I live in Dallas. I worked at TCU for years, so I am somewhat familiar with your lovely neighborhood and your family's DFW lifestyle. I would totally follow you if you decided to password protect your blog. I am a full-time working mom (not Law) with high-school aged children. Since you have younger kids, reading your blog helps me to remember my years ago with them when they were younger and more family-oriented (older teenagers are still fun to be around, but they don't want to be around their parents as much, sadly). And I personally LOVE your travel/vacation posts, plus the regular meal posts. Take care.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say that I really look forward to your posts and appreciate your point-of-view and honesty. As a fellow federal enforcement attorney and mom, I feel like I really identify with you a lot. And my kids are little (3 and 1) and I feel like you give me something to aspire to as far as being a mom to big kids. I recently moved with my family to new city, and I sent you a message and you replied so graciously, which I really appreciate. I hope you do what's best for you and your family, but I do really love your blog. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteI read this post and saw the 50+ comments and was thinking, oh, are these the spam comments she was referring to? But no! Just so so so many people who love your blog as much as I do :) I am mostly a lurker, but have been reading for about a decade, when I was in law school and trying to decide whether to have a baby (I split the difference and had my first right after taking the Bar and in the middle of the Great Recession...). I really appreciate your vulnerable posts as well, just as a reminder that as inspirational as I find much of your life, it's reassuring that it doesn't all come effortlessly. I would definitely read a password protected blog, and might comment more because I partly don't comment to preserve my own privacy and was horrified when one comment I wrote was google searchable (finally figured I could make an anonymous google account).
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely do what's best for you, just know that I will miss posts like "Scream Inside Your Heart" very much. :)
I so rarely comment but felt like I had to. I'm so sorry that you're getting so bombarded by spammers! I found your blog 6+ years ago when I was first considering law school. It was partly reading your experience going through law school that assured me I could do it. Since I've followed for so long (and having graduated law school and started on my own career), you're a big sister figure in a lot of ways for me. :) I hope you settle on what is necessary for you to preserve your peace with your blog, but I do hope you stick around (perhaps even with a password protected blog).
ReplyDeleteI, too, like your blog and will miss it if you retire.
ReplyDeleteHello! I'm another lurker, who originally found your blog through SHU, and has loved it ever since (I've lost count, but at least for a few years now). I'm just writing in to say that I'm so sorry for everything you're going through at the moment. I'm sure it's safe to say that we will all respect whatever decision you make about this blog (the important thing is to safeguard your mental well-being and happiness in this crazy time!) but I and, clearly based on the comments here, many others will miss you greatly! I'm a few years behind you on the journey of life (in the very first stages of working towards starting a family of my own right now!), and your blog has given me such insight into what life is like with little ones (and now bigger ones!). I love the joy in little aspects of daily life that you frequently share, and I also love the vulnerability you display (I think that is brave and also an incredible gift to the rest of us, who have the luxury of thinking or saying "oh my goodness, me too!" in response).
ReplyDeleteI haven't read all the comments, but let me add to the chorus of support. I found your blog a year or two ago (via Best of Both Worlds?), and I love it so much. I went back and read from the beginning. I too am a mom and a lawyer, but my kids are grown now. I have often thought of commenting or emailing you to tell you how much I love your blog and what an inspiration you are. If you password protect, I hope I will get a chance to continue to follow you.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your blog for 10+ years (!!) and very rarely comment. I'm so sorry that you have been getting spammy comments. I love your blog, love the updates, and love reading about your family, work, swimming, etc. I would love to continue following along if you have the time and desire to keep writing.
ReplyDeleteI haven’t said anything your supporters haven’t already, but I am among the many who love your blog and updates. Of course whatever is best for you is the top priority, but the interwebs is a brighter place for your being in it. You are inspirational on so many levels yet also so relatable - hence the outpouring above! It’s a rare and brilliant combination. And if you do stop blogging, I hope it is all the love and support that will shine through.
ReplyDeleteI haven't commented since piping up to ask how we could help your mom's classroom after the flood, but I check several times a week and read regularly. I'm sorry this hobby has invaded your nightmares, but I appreciate you telling us this. We're all treading water up to our chins right now, but I appreciate the chance to tell you how much I enjoy reading about your family and rooting for you all as your children grow. Let us help you tread water for a while. I will do the blog commenter equivalent of tossing you a glittery mermaid float or getting down on my knees on my pool deck like my favorite swim coach circa 1984. He would cheer, "STROKE! STROKE! STROKE! STROKE!" every time my head would break the surface as I swam the 25-meter breaststroke for 8 and unders, helping me find a rhythm when I was the tiny swimmer who didn't even compete, only swam exhibition. You've got this, LL. You really do. The beating hearts under your roof- human, canine, feline- they are all healthy and beating and loving. Let us pick you up. Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!
ReplyDeleteLong time reader here. Starting reading back in 2006 or 2007 when I thought I was going to go to law school and first had a baby. I keep reading because now I have three kids and a career (librarian instead) and I feel like our kids have grown up together lol. Even though I don't know you :) I'm working from home and going through similar things and like the solidarity. That said, do what's right for you. Thanks for the ride!
ReplyDeleteDitto all the things above, though I know our friendship (albeit virtual only for now!) exists outside of the blog page, too.
ReplyDeleteI feel really grateful for all of your writing. You have gotten me through some bad times. Your blog has been a gift - thank you! That being said, if this is no longer giving you joy, you should make it private/close it up. Take care, you are amazing.
ReplyDeleteAnother longtime reader, since Claire was a baby. I'm a doctor and had my first kid while still in training, now a mom of two girls and a boy. Your blog is so encouraging to read, so refreshingly honest about the good and the bad. It's helped me to stay positive so many times. Wishing you the best, and would love to be able to still follow you and Moose et al if you go to password!
ReplyDeleteI’ve been reading your blog since 2012, when I was a law school student asking Google whether to have a baby in law school. Your blog helped convince me it was a great idea! 8 years and 3 kids later, and your blog is the only one I consistently check. You are such an inspiration and a ray of sunshine. Thank you for sharing your story with us!
ReplyDeleteJoining in as another long time reader, rare (if ever?) commenter. I've enjoyed reading your blog since Landon was a baby. I relate to your posts about the struggles of balancing work, family, health, fun etc. And especially now as we are, as you said, living where we work. We are all muddling through this and trying to do the best we can. That said, take care of you (not that you really need a stranger to tell you that!) and if a break from the blog is what you need, then take it. We'll miss you, but we'll be here if/when you decide to come back.
ReplyDeleteAnother reader here and rare commenter - you are one of the rare finds on the internet these days with your real, candid updates. It reminds me why I ever started reading blogs in the first place. Thanks for all that you share with us.
ReplyDeleteAnother long time reader--your mom shared your blog when I was one of her students in 2007! You've helped me become a better meal planner, and made the post-baby child raising years seem more doable and fun than I was making them out to be. I so applaud taking a break when you need it!
ReplyDeleteYet another joining the chorus - I've so enjoyed reading your blog (since way back when Landon was a baby!) through the years; I hope you find the peace you're looking for. I'd love to continue to read regardless of passwords - how else would I find recipes? :)
ReplyDeleteAdding another voice. :) I've been reading since you were pregnant with Claire, back when I was in law school and fantasizing about being done and having kids of my own. You've been the only blog I've read for years! I love hearing about your family traditions, have tried and loved many of your recipe recommendations, and have used your call for commenter recommendations to my own benefit (I now have a wirefree bra that's comfy enough to sleep in!). I admire your parenting philosophy, and the love you have for your kids always shines through the screen. I would miss you if you left, but I hope you make the best choice for yourself, whatever that may be.