It appears that road trips are one of the only times I can clear out an hour to update this blog. We are currently driving from Dallas to Houston to spend Christmas with my parents and brother, sister-in-law, and their 17-month-old twins. Santa's sleigh is packed and the kids are so excited to spend the holiday with Papa and Gigi and their tiny cousins. Maggie is just excited she made it into the sleigh.
Our lock-in two weeks ago was highly successful and we will definitely be doing it again next year.
I collected everyone's phones, including James and mine, and put them in a drawer and we were all cozy and sparkly and full of stories and memories of Christmases past.
On friday night, we made homemade pizza, decorated the tree, and watched Home Alone.
On Saturday we did a bunch of house projects, went on a walk, made the sugar cookie dough, and all went to cheer on Cora in her basketball game, which we capped off with tacos out at one of our favorite restaurants.
Sunday was sugar cookie baking and decorating, more house projects (hanging! all! the! things!), and a delicious pot of homemade chili simmering in the background.
It was utterly lovely. I love these humans and bulldog and cats so dang much.
One thing that's been hard in the move is starting over with friends and social groups. Everyone has been so nice and warm and welcoming, but it just takes time to work your way into a social or friend circle- to be invited to the Christmas parties or events happening all around us, and for a FOMO-filled extrovert like me it can be REALLY hard to see everyone else doing things you are so separate from. So this year I've focused really hard on soaking up my own party of five and we've all benefitted from it.
Meanwhile Milo is mad that he seems to be the only one who doesn't get a sugar cookie after school.
We had a few more furniture deliveries over the last two weeks: our dining table, kitchen chairs, Claire's dresser, Cora's bed, and more.
Claire is the last one left sleeping on the floor but her bed comes Monday (desk and nightstand in January) and she's loving each piece that arrives over her slow rollout.
I absolutely adore everything that is coming together in our space. It has been such a joy to put together. After 17+ years of marriage and 3 increasingly older kids, we're just at a new phase of our taste and style and use of our home. I have things with history that matter to me deeply, like this ceramic elephant that was in my grandparents' house my whole life (and much of my mom's).
Crazy enough my dad's parents had the exact same elephants, though my Grandpa Jim still has his in his apartment. Everytime I see him in my living room I smile.
And then we have new things that I feel like are so very "me" and "us" and yet they are things I would never have known to pick a few years ago. Like this serene and cozy master bedroom that makes me feel warm inside everytime I walk in.
And these vacation photos above a bench on our landing that bring me joy whenever I walk by.
Speaking of things that spark joy, I've been wearing Bonnie's amazing outfits to all the holiday parties and work events over the last few weeks. I think my favorite was the green plaid shorts ensemble that I wore to our litigation Christmas party, but I've loved them all and love that she gives me the confidence to wear them.
James had his big meet last weekend. The kids and I had planned to just hang out, but I was so inspired by seeing SIX! in early December that I got the girls hooked on the soundtrack and we were listening to it CONSTANTLY and I found myself searching for tickets online and found a set of four for last Saturday that were the very center of the 6th row and I couldn't resist. I called my mom and she was delighted to drive over to see it with us.
We parked in my building, walked to lunch, and were BLOWN AWAY by the show. I had just seen it and I was still caught up in every second. The girls LOVED IT. My mom LOVED IT. Everyone should see it as soon as possible- we're still listening to the soundtrack on our way to Houston. Meanwhile, Landon and my dad went to see the laser 3D extravaganza of Avatar 2 and they seemed very pleased and also full of snacks because that movie is 16 hours long.
James had a great meet. Not as amazing as he hoped, but he went a lifetime best in the 200 Breaststroke and qualified for US Senior Nationals for the first time since *2001*. It's so incredible and I'm so proud of him.
We went out to our very favorite Dallas restaurant to celebrate.
And obviously I wore The Shoes.
It was a delicious decadent meal and at one point I was just so struck by the fact that I was sitting across from this person I've been going on dates with for 21 years and 4 months and there are times I am still just full on giddy inside that he is mine.
And finally, in an abrupt change of topic, remember this baby from 15 years ago with his tiny vest and tiny shoes and dapper hat?
Well he and size 12 feet got a learner's permit this week and he is learning to OPERATE A MOTOR VEHICLE and what/how/who/why. I cannot.
Life comes at you damn fast. It's why you need things like Forced Family Fun Time and Magical Holiday Lock-Ins. Maggie hopes you have a WONDERFUL holiday season and that you are staying warm in this crazy weather. It "felt like -5" in Dallas yesterday and Maggie was wearing her Christmas sweater underneath a layer of fleece blankets I pulled out straight from the dryer to swaddle her.
Maggie loves you and I do too.
Scrolldown Fug: Mr. Jay
1 hour ago