As usual, when I'm not in a blackout rage over the horrible things that keep happening because our political response is not only to fail to even attempt *anything* to prevent the next horrible thing but here in Texas we actually make it even easier for the next horrible thing to happen, things in my own life keep happening.
In the last week we listed our house, kept our house in perfect condition through many showings, periodically carted Maggie over to a friend's house where she could nap in peace, had a very successful open house, and accepted on an offer on our house!
Also, the big kids had finals, I took a trip to Houston for work, Cora had Field Day, all our nannies graduated from college and left Fort Worth (I keep saying "nannies" but we only had one per day from 3-5:30 pm. They were a group of 3 lovely TCU students who divided up the days of the week, picked up Cora and hung out with her for 90 minutes until it was time to pick up the big kids and take everyone to swimming. Or, everyone who was going to swimming that day, and then I'd be home or someone would be at soccer or whatever was happening on that particular day), our cats started throwing up and both had to get liquid medicine 2x a day for 6 days (have you tried to give a cat liquid medicine? They are NOT AMENABLE to the idea), and I got three new matters and one new client and it was frankly a blur. I took a video call with a new client at a Sonic stall with Maggie sitting as copilot and legal support staff.
But the house looked beautiful. And our realtor was kind enough to let me know that Maggie was a big help with the photos.
Cora is still not so into the moving, though I guess it's good she could only come up with 4 reasons? Poor girl. She's so outgoing and social I know she's going to do great, but I also know the idea of this impending change is very hard on her.
I continue wearing my beautiful new clothes and checking off my outfits from Bonnie's album. It makes getting ready each day and packing for work trips so very easy. An album of oufits, a vagina curler, and shoes I bought in 2012 and I'm good to go.
As mentioned above, and in the same week of all the craziness with the house, I went to Houston for a night to visit the firm's new Houston office and give a presentation and meet with a bunch of partners. When exiting my hotel to walk over to the building, I managed to walk DIRECTLY into a glass door. Just right into it. My forehead made a loud THUNK noise when it connected. A noise so loud the two men standing outside turned to see what had just hit the glass.
Me, it was me.
I dropped my phone, had to get my phone, and then still had to get through the seemingly impenetrable glass door. Then I had to walk through the group of men inquiring as to my health and then walk to the office. I had no idea which way I was going, but even in 100 degree heat I was absolutely not looking down at my phone again until I got off that block.
And luckily, it was the right way anyway. Then I made my way to our penthouse lobby on the 47th floor and was surrounded by a terrifying amount of glass for someone whose forehead was still smarting from her last encounter.
And at least my meetings and presentations went well!
When I got back it was field day, where Cora killed it in the 50 yard dash, taking first by several yards and wondering if she'll still be the fastest at her new elementary school. #Priorities.
I met some mamas for happy hour, worked a lot, and dropped a lot of F-bombs on my commute.
James and the big kids had a swim meet.
Landon swam the 400 IM (the WORST event; he loved it) and Claire and I timed.
The pets were exhausted.
Each day I'm torn between making lists for our move to Dallas and trying to soak up this time we have left in Fort Worth. I feel like I've been unable to absorb the fact we're leaving this town we made our own and the people who have made it so special. We've been letting the kids pick their favorite restaurants to have a final meal before we move, and James and I fit in one more fancy date night to celebrate being under contract.
And last night we had an impromptu family swim after a simple homemade dinner.
I just love this crew.
Today we toured the rental house and the kids picked out their rooms and we made a plan for packing in the week ahead. The schedule goes something like this (plus me working full days and James coaching from 2-7 pm):
Monday: Pool party at our house
Tuesday: Last day of school for the kids; I'm in Dallas for work
Wednesday: Claire's check-up; Claire's birthday party at the house that night
Thursday: Landon's check-up; Claire podiatry appointment; I have a dinner
Friday: Storage pod gets delivered to the house; sort through the pod for rental house v. storage items
Saturday: Claire's birthday!
Sunday: Pack overnight bags for FW; rent a UHaul and drive it full of all the things we will need for the next 8 months to the furnished rental house; also the kids are supposed to go to Houston for PapaGigi camp but my parent's truck died on their big Pacific Northwest road trip and they're currently stranded in Arizona, so that's a big question mark
Monday: Moving van comes to pack up everyting else, deliver it to storage unit in Dallas (and yes, James is still coaching that day despite my vigorous objections)
Tuesday: I go to Washington, DC for work.
Believe it or not, the schedule actually gets more insane as June goes on. We'll take it day by day.
Sofia Carson Wore Something Dramatic and Wacky
48 minutes ago