Apparently we're back to weekly updates. I attempted to write one multiple nights this week, but TCU is back in session which means I'm teaching barre 2 more times/week, James is back in session which means he's not home until 7 each night, I had a PTA work night for my membership data entry, and Ilona Andrews released a new book, the first of a spin-off trilogy in the Hidden Legacy series, on Tuesday that I vowed I would not start until the weekend- an astonishing feat of self-control which lasted for exactly 24 hours when I read until 1 a.m. Wednesday night/Thursday morning. So I'm tired, but I got off 2 hours early today and I have sangria marinating in the fridge and friends coming over to drink it, so I'm feeling perkier.
Let's go back to last week. On Friday we hosted a pool party for our group of close friends which somehow turned into 55 people because we all have too many children but that's fine because we have the pool and a big backyard and everyone was bringing something to the potluck food table and I had a very large quantity of frose spinning in the margarita machine, but then it RAINED.
It thundered and lightninged and so many people were inside my house wearing swimsuits.
Maggie LOVED it.
And we were able to kick the kids out for parts of it where we didn't think they'd be struck by lightning.
But it was perhaps not my most successful party.
It was still great to get together and I think everyone had fun, but there was a lot more indoor mopping than we usually have in our post-party cleanup!
On Saturday, it rained more, so we headed to the climbing gym. Normally this is a thing James does with the kids, but I decided I should join this time. I mean, I'm pretty strong, I can have a long reach, and how hard can it be? Landon climbs up those walls like a little monkey- surely I could do some easy routes for an hour or two.
Um, it's SO HARD. I am strong, really quite very strong! and yet, holy crap, holding yourself against a wall that doesn't seem to want you there while keeping your legs on tiny bumps and your hands on grips that are never quite where you need them and then looking around for the next one while debating with yourself if you reallly want to move your hand off the perfect good grip you're clinging on to with all your might is VERY HARD. It's a bouldering gym, so no ropes, and the fear of falling was a also a bigger factor than I anticipated. I did several white routes and two yellows (the two easiest categories) and decided I'd had a very good time but was now quite done and I will happily wave to my family as they head out for their Saturday climbs while I go get a pedicure or watch a dance movie.
I did get a whole new level of appreciation for Landon's climbing, he's incredibly good and fast and sure. Claire is also amazing! She was my coach and so patient and encouraging. It was also Cora's first time ever climbing and she scampered up routes far quicker than I did and took her "how to fall" lessons very seriously. James is also great, particularly given he has over 200 lbs. to hold up on those little grips. I am by far the worst, but my middle baby cheered like I'd one the Olympics anytime I made it to the top of a route and I must admit, I was just as proud of myself each time.
Other mountain-top moments of my Saturday: finding this collection of OXO storage containers for $20 off the already excellent Costco price!
Is there anything more soothing than cleaning out your pantry, pouring things into bins and then labeling them?
There is not.
On Sunday I had my Yoga Teacher Training class over for a pool party in which my children were the only ones in the pool while we chatted and caught up on each other's lives. After spending 9-12 hours a week together all summer, 9 days apart felt like forever!
The week kicked off and it feels like we've been back in the school routine for ages. The girls love their classes and Cora LOVES Kindergarten, she doesn't even seem put-off by the fact they were doing far harder work at her Montessori school. She's just here for it- the routine, the teacher, the little tables with tiny chairs. She had a project to create an "About Me" mini poster and she did it all by herself and took it all seriously.
Maggie was first assistant.
Cora also got to bring home the class dog over the weekend and it was VERY BIG DEAL. Hearts (whose name might also be Patches? unclear) joined us in all our adventures and Maggie tried to play with him twice.
I think Maggie wants a fur sibling very badly. She's submissive and needs her pack so she doesn't have to pretend to be brave when scary things like trash cans and squirrels approach.
Landon's reader teacher made a challenge to the accelerated class to read Don Quixote for AR. It's worth 92 points, is 981 pages long and contains nearly a million words, and in her many years of teaching only two 6th graders have done it. Obviously Landon immediately raised his hand. He's on page 150 and claiming to enjoy it.
In equally important news, my Brazilian blowout continues to make me ever so happy. See this hair? I had taught barre the night before, slept on it sweaty- which normally means SUPER curly and messy, and then just did a little blow dry and brushing in the morning. What is this magic?
It is especially handy now that I'm back teaching at TCU 2 nights a week, which I love. I had nice big classes this first week back and they're so fun. I also had lunch with the owner of my beloved studio where I teach my Sunday barre class and we are working on some super exciting yoga class news for me! I already miss my yoga instruction and practice teaching so much, I can't wait to sink into it as a true instructor.
And finally, we've arrived at food. Here is my lunch today (I love working from home because I get to make tasty, hot food right when I want to eat it). I'm very into bowls right now: brown rice, quinoa, black beans, tomato, avocado, and an over easy egg. So filling and so delicious, I make extra of the quinoa and just keep it in my fridge for lunches over the weekend.
Monday: Oven Baked Greek Chicken Thighs, Lemon Orzo, sliced tomato and cucumber, feta, Kalamata olives, and this Greek dressing. And naan! This was a delicious recipe, but for a slice of reality, I thought I'd show my kitchen counter when I was done with the marinade:
But I like the two steps because while the chicken was marinating, I cleaned all this up, changed out of my work clothes, and got the rest of dinner ready. So it works for a weeknight dinner, but only if you have time to spread out the steps over 90 minutes like I generally do. (I get home about 5:30 and we eat at 7.)
Tuesday: Slow Cooker Pork Carnitas (total pain in the neck of a recipe I will now reserve for weekends, but freaking delicious and the crisping of the shredded pork at the end was KEY), served in a bowl with brown rice, black beans, avocado, sliced tomato, and an over easy egg with Cilantro Vinaigrette on the top.
Wednesday: Pasta with Tomato Cream Sauce and sauteed zucchini, squash, carrot, and spinach.
Thursday: Leftover Carnitas in soft tacos, standard taco toppings, with black beans, brown rice, and corn on the side.
Friday: Black Bean Burgers, Honey Mustard Broccoli Salad (SO GOOD), Tortellini Pesto Pasta Salad, Chips (and Sangria!).
Saturday: Crockpot Chicken and Wild Rice Soup (Yes it's still 100 million degrees outside, but I realized I'd really been missing soup and on the last day of August, we're going to pretend it's fall.)
Sunday: Out for our 14th wedding anniversary! The kids will eat something here, probably Trader Joe's finest organic spaghettios, that I'll pretend they ate with a vegetable side. We will all be happy with our choices.
Naomi Watts Looks Glam on the Street
5 hours ago