
Monday, June 25, 2012

Born to Friends

I've used this quote before and the last three words of it echo through my mind almost every time I look at Landon and Claire. (Because when you look, you are almost always looking at Landon and Claire.)

I, who have no sisters or brothers, look with some degree of innocent envy
on those who may be said to be born to friends.
- James Boswell










Last night we sent Landon outside with a popsicle after dinner because it was 105 degrees and he'd eaten all of his chicken. He called for Claire to follow, as he always does (Roger the Contractor commented about 3 weeks into our renovation work that the most common phrase uttered in our house is, "C'mon Claire, c'mon!"), and she called out, "Otay!!" and she scurried after him.

Now an after dinner treat is a rare occurrence in our house and Landon had every right to exclusively savor every bite, but as I was clearing the table and keeping an eye on the two of them, I spied this little moment between siblings. I took the pictures through the glass door as Landon and Claire carefully took turns with the popsicle, lick for lick.


And got a little choked up thinking, I really hope they never forget how much they love each other.



  1. Very sweet! I have great memories of eating popsicles (mickey mouse shaped!) on the porch steps with my cousins. I'm sure Claire and Landon will treasure these memories too.

  2. LL, these pictures seriously just put us 5 steps closer to really-for-real adopting next year. I showed A and we both melted a little at the idea of similar photos of Baz and a sibling.

  3. My brother Barry and I had our tiffs over the years, but throughout, we've been there for each other. I hope your children get to experience the magic of being siblings. Our inside jokes are priceless as is the deep, deep love. There is no other relationship to compare it to. He cried when I got in trouble and helped me learn how to wear make-up like a lady. I love my Bear.

  4. OMG This made my ovaries ache... and I already have 3. LOVE LOVE LOVE

  5. Awww. This post warms my heart. I'm so happy we had our kids 4 years apart for our own sanity, but I don't think they'll be this close for a very long time, if ever. (Also, K has the same superhero shirt and he wants to wear it just about every day.)

  6. So sweet!!!! I never quite had that with my brother (we are 4 years apart, maybe that has something to do with it). But my girls are like that, especially my oldest two. They share a room and at least half the time, I find them both sleeping together scrunched up in one twin bed. Last night, even though it drove me nuts it also made me smile when S had insomnia and every time O dozed off, I overheard her saying "Wake up O, I miss you! Come on! Wake up!"

  7. Great quote and even better post and photos.

  8. My older brother and I are the same age difference as Landon and Claire. He's still one of my dearest friends, even though we drive each other nuts sometimes (even as adults).
