
Monday, March 7, 2011


My Monday has not improved. I am beyond exhausted and still working on this assignment that I absolutely have to email out tonight so I can get comments, do the additional research I know will be needed, and turn to my five other projects before we fly to Denver on Sunday. Sitting in my 8-hour mandatory training was painful; all I could think about were all the things I needed to be doing two floors up in my office. Landon has fared even worse. He still can't keep down even the smallest sip of water and is currently curled up on the couch in a dehydrated, feverish, weak little ball while we wait another hour to try again. The poor little guy has gone through four sets of clothes, two sets of sheets, and four towels that were draped across his lap on the sofa. All day, as I got my text updates from JP, I just wanted to come home and cuddle with him, but I knew JP was doing a great job playing nurse.

So because today has pretty much sucked, my tomorrow is not going to be any better (though I really, really hope it is for Landon), I thought it was time to share these pictures from The Day A Helicopter Landed at Daycare. You see one of the little student's dad flies the Austin Police Department chopper, and for the past two years, he's landed it in the daycare parking lot for the kids to come explore. Landon was SO excited and JP surprised me by showing up at daycare with my camera and capturing the event on film. He's getting good at this part-time stay-at-home-dad thing.

Most of the pictures have other people's kids in them, so I can only share a few, but I just love them (particularly the second one).

The big day is here!

It's a bird, it's a plane-

It's a hepatopter*!!

Landon and friends got to sit inside and touch a few of the buttons. He told me over and over how "a helicopter is really small in the sky but when it lands on the ground it gets HUGE!" Claire's class also came out in their 6-baby buggy to see the helicopter, but I don't think the Biscuit was quite as impressed as her brother. Next year, perhaps, she will understand the awesomeness of the incredible shrinking (and expanding) hepatopter.

*He now calls them by their proper name, but "hepatopter" was my favorite of his toddlerisms and I continue to use it on occasion.


  1. OMG, I bet he FREAKED OUT. That is so cool! I hope the poor little man feels better soon. And that your work goes quickly!

  2. Have you tried giving him a cup with some ice chips and a spoon? Hydration that doesn't really hit the tummy.
