
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sibling Love and Caterpillars

This was one of those perfect mornings. Both kids slept in and woke up happy. Clairebear waited for her bottle and smiled her mega watt smiles at me for five minutes so I could get Landon's breakfast out for him. They ate at the same time, all three of us at the kitchen table in our pj's. JP came home from swim practice and helped get them dressed. I made lunches- 3 bottles and a PBJ shaped like a dinosaur. It was the rare morning where time seems to stretch to accomodate everyone, where everything gets done and no one is crying.

At one point, post-breakfast and pre-shoes and socks, Landon decided he wanted to read Claire a story. I was heading back to my room to get dressed, but dashed back to the kitchen when I heard his recitation begin:

(I really, really wish you could hear the inflection in his voice as he read aloud, he so wanted Claire to understand what was going on. And he struggled to read the book backwards and upside down so she could see the pictures, just like his teachers do at circle time. Okay, now the recitation:)

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

There is a moon and a little egg -

and a caterpillar! And he is very hungry.

The sun is up. The caterpillar eats 1 apple.

And 2 pears and strawberries and oranges!

Then he eats a lollipop and cheese and cake and a pickle and a muffin and watermelon

and he has a BAD tummyache.

But now he is a big caterpillar! and he makes a house...

[anticipation builds]

and then he is a BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY!

The End.


  1. That is awesome.

  2. Wow. Awesome is the word.

  3. It doesn't get any better than that! When Claire gets teeth, she will be able to light the city of Austin with that smile! You have 2 very precious children!!!! Thanks for sharing! Your posts always make me smile!

    Patty from Kingwood

  4. SO adorable!!! LOVE the "BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY" face. They are such sweethearts.

  5. I love this and the way you captured it! This post put a big smile on my face -- just like Claire.

  6. she looks like she has the best cute!

  7. That last picture is pure magic.

  8. That is unbearably cute.

  9. OMG that is so adorable!!

  10. Very cute! My baby (born a week after Claire) isn't terribly smiley - she has what seems to be a pensive personality - so it's been cute to see Claire's.

    Am surprised their school isn't nut free! Out here, every daycare and every public school I've seen are nut free.

    Did you see the U Chicago prof's blog post about the "super rich"? made me think of you and whether you had him as a prof.

  11. great post,i like it and bookmark it!thanks for sharing!Best regards!

  12. This is awesome! She is soooo cute!!

  13. I keep coming back to re-read this post because I just adore the pictures! Thank goodness for always having a camera on hand.

  14. LOVE this! Way to go, Landon. I love his recitation of The Very Hungry Catepillar. A favorite in our home...
