
Monday, May 19, 2008

Fading Fast

I'm at 23 pages for my corporate law substantial paper and fading fast. It's technically due before the end of the day, but I think that as long as my professor finds it in his inbox tomorrow morning, I'm fine.

I've left the library well after midnight the past 3 days. Last night I noticed around 12:30 that I lost the ability to spell- I had just written a sentence with three words misspelled so badly that spellcheck didn't know what to make of them, and neither did I. I stared at the screen for a good minute, racking my brain to remember the right order of the letters. I gave up, turned off my laptop, and headed home for a few hours of sleep. I have a lot of research and a lot to say on this topic, so I'm not hurting for lack of material, I just have nothing left to give. The fact that I have three finals starting a week from tomorrow is incomprehensible. And the fact that JP has done 100% of the parenting and house keeping for the past few days and all I seem to do is snap at him makes me sad.

Landon, on the other hand, is an absolute delight. He and JP came to visit me for a little while this afternoon and I just wanted to soak up his laughter and excitement at everything around him. He was squealing and crawling and giggling in the green lounge and let me hug and kiss him all I wanted. He's having a grand time with his dad and in eight days has become a champion crawler. I took this video clip on Saturday and he's improved even more since then (I apologize for the shaky camera work and bad lighting):

Seeing him gives me the biggest smile, even when the edges of my vision are blurry and my fingers no longer hit the keys my brain tells them to. I know studying for the bar exam is going to be a lot of work this summer (as is unpacking and organizing a new home), but so much of me is looking forward to two months of being in the same place as my boys all day and working towards one test with one deadline. And even though there is a huge list of things that must happen before May 30, I'm counting down the days (all ELEVEN of them) until we are in a loaded car driving towards Texas, with all of law school behind me.


  1. I find it so interesting how we are going through similar experiences at the same time. I am graduating in two weeks and right now I have a few essays that I need to start and finish in two days.
    By the way, Landon is adorable. I remember watching a video you posted a few months ago when he was struggling to crawl. Now he crawling all by himself. Yay, Landon!

  2. You are so close. Hopefully you will get your second wind soon and it will last through finals. Good luck!

  3. Love the new banner! A huge sigh of relief, just 11 days away!

  4. Aw, look at him go!! It's so wonderful to watch them learn new things.

    11 days, you can do it!!

  5. i find myself checking up your blog to see how you're doing on your paper. sorry to hear you're struggling but here's a ray of light - i turned in my last substantial 12 hours after it was due (he had an early due date and i turned it in around noon the day after it was due) and i got a good grade on it and more importantly, got the substantial credit. so it's ok - it'll be over soon!

  6. I love how seriously Landon takes the crawling. Me, I never had the coordination for it. I hitched across the floor.

  7. Oops video no longer available. Keep your chin up, pretty soon it will be over and you'll be enjoying yourself in the sun.

  8. What a cutie-pie!! I agree -- you are so close. Don't fade now.

  9. how cute! I love how he's all "bah...stupid block! can't crawl with it...gonna have to leave it for bigger and better things!"
    and that little funny lip-curl grin at the end? adorable!

  10. I am also stressing over papers and exams so you have all my sympathy. How do you find the time to blog, woman?!?!

    Obviously, I don't know you, but I am also an ex-Texan (with loads of family in the Chicago area), and it's striking to me that I can actually hear in your accent that you've been living in Chicago. Wonder how that's going to sound after returning to Texas!
