
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Target & a Tornado

Landon and I had a big adventure today. I try to plan a little outing each day to make me feel like I'm still a member of the human race- a stroll in the park, a walk to Walgreens to pick up more pictures I've taken of him, a short drive to Target, etc. Today was a Target day because we needed more diapers and mylicon drops (a godsend for the gas that seems to take over his little body multiple times a day). The weather was beautiful when we pulled into the parking lot. Less than ten minutes later the entire store goes black- and stays black for a solid 2 minutes. The generator lights turn on and I look out the windows at the front of the store to see what appears to be a hurricane. It's raining so hard I can't see the cars in the parking lot. Then all the employees start herding people to the back of the store because a tornado has touched down nearby and we have to be away from the windows. No one is allowed to open the doors to leave (not that you'd want to), the air conditioning is off, and it's getting hot and panicky inside the darkened Target aisles. After about 15 minutes of me rocking Landon back and forth in the cart and praying he doesn't wake up, the tornado warning was changed to a severe thunderstorm warning and we're allowed to leave. It was definitely a bigger adventure then I had planned, and I'm starting to understand my mom's advice to never leave the house without a bottle and multiple diapers because you just never know what could happen while you're gone.


  1. Although, if you are trapped somewhere without diapers, Target is the place to be. Possibly also for a bottle, though actually making that work might be tricky.

  2. So true- I did think that while we were in there. Another perk- the people from the in-store Starbucks handed out free coffee for all of us :)

  3. Your Target has an in-store Starbucks?

    Lucky duck!

  4. What is with the crazy weather?! Glad you weren't stuck in there for too long though. I've had more than my share of waiting out tornados, not fun.

  5. What a nightmare! I'm glad you weren't stuck there for very long!
